Thursday, September 5, 2013

V8 Cabbage soup recipe

To be honest, when i came across this recipe, i thought it would *yawn* put me to sleep.. but i never know what to do with cabbage when i buy it, and its supposed to be super good for tummy woes from what i've read, so i figured i'd give it a shot. Never know if you never try, right?

Boy, was i ever wrong about boring! It turned out DELICIOUS! Whodathunkit? I never understood how people actually stuck to that cabbage soup diet I've heard about until now. I could probably eat this every day for a week. Heck, i probably will.. it made a ton of food

1 head of cabbage, chopped
1 large onion, chopped
2 finely diced carrots
1 heaping Tbs minced garlic
2 cups chicken stock
3 cups spicy V8 juice
1 tsp marjoram
2 bullion cubes
Salt and pepper to taste (add at the end, after you've simmered it to desired consistency)

Directions: throw it all in a large stock pot, and add water enough to cover by an inch or so. Boil on medium-high for roughly an hour, checking fluid levels frequently. Time varies on preference, i like mine super condensed and soft veggies.

Makes 5-6 Jenn-sized servings (this girl can eat!)

On a side note, i think I'll add some lentils and bulgur wheat to tonight's soup, and make it a more complete meal. You could probably add just about anything to this and it still taste fantastic. The original recipe that inspired mine used canned tomatoes and red pepper flakes. 

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